Use of drones (ASTER-F or TUCAN) equipped with dual day/night camera offers great improvements in perimeter security:
- Mobile sensors that enables inspection beyond the reach of a fixed-point sensor
- Automatic, real-time detection and identification of people and/or vehicles in a restricted area
- Automatic alerts in the control centre
- Automatic lens tracking with UAS and real-time image transmission.
This type of application is of great interest in infrastructures such as oil platforms in the OIL & GAS sector, restricted areas in various sectors, critical infrastructures, among others.

Unmanned vehicles enable effective border surveillance in coordination with other agents. Surveillance can be carried out day and night and practically uninterruptedly, gathering detailed information from the environment, processed in real time, with automatic alerts to detect any incident and speed up decisions, if necessary:
- - Various unmanned vehicles can be used for border surveillance:
- UAS such as the TUCAN or ATLANTIC for long distances, equipped with high-performance, dual visual/thermal cameras.
- o AUVs for surveillance of maritime borders
- These vehicles can be equipped with on-board processing for automatic and real-time detection and identification of persons and/or vehicles.
- Automatic alerts in the control centre
- Automatic lens tracking with UAS and real-time image transmission.

Aerial and aquatic drones help to improve safety in our waters close to the coast and in ports as well as on the high seas. They help and complement existing systems for controlling maritime traffic and piracy, ensuring the safety of the fishing fleet, transport and other activities.
- Fixed-wing drones such as the Tucan or the ATLANTIC make it possible to travel several kilometres and cover long stretches.
- Dual thermal and visual cameras provide detailed information about boats and the activity they may be performing.
- The automatic recognition and tracking of vehicles makes it possible to improve actions for controlling maritime traffic and piracy
- - The data will be cross-checked with traffic-management systems such as VTS.

The drones will provide support in:
- -The inspection and early detection of fires, by sweeping large areas with vehicles such as TUCAN or ATLANTIC equipped with dual cameras (visual/thermal) and on-board, real-time processing that can detect fires or risk areas for early and rapid action.
- Fire-fighting work, flying over the vicinity of burned areas, detecting people or animals in most danger and helping the fire-fighting teams to plan and execute their work.

Drones provide support in rescue activities in:
- Support on beaches, automatically detecting people in danger and acting quickly with lifeguards or others that can help in the lifeguards’ work
- Support at sea, where time is of the essence because of water temperature and because waves and other weather conditions hinder rescue efforts.
- Ground support, location of a lost or person in difficulties in the a mountainous or in a forested area, or even in emergency situations due to catastrophes.

In an emergency, unmanned vehicles allow us to act more quickly. Emergency medical transport allows us to use our drones to act in situations such as:
- Transport of defibrillators for quick use
- Transport of samples between hospitals
- Transport of medicines